2008 Hits A Million Theme Song Contest Entry form.wpd
Hitsamillion.ning.com is one of the fastest growing social networking sites for music creators with over 80 members in a week and over 54,000 views in one month. And the site is constantly growing with new members and new content! Now Hitsamillion.ning.com needs a theme song which reflects what this site is about.
Do you think you and/or your team can write the winning theme song for Hits A Million?
Here's how the contest will work: Out of all the entries, five songs will be selected to move to the next round. The top five songs will then be judged by not only Thedy B, but by other seasoned music industry professionals, including two music publishers, a club DJ, and a Grammy-award/Stellar awarding winner producer. All of the top five songs will receive feedback from the judges. From those five songs, one song will be the winner. If you are chosen to be the winner, not only will your song have been judged by industry professionals but you will be the featured writer/producer on Hits A Million. You will get a full write up on the site, including your name and profile picture. Additionally, the song will be featured as the first song on the Hits A Million playlist on the main page. Your song will also be featured on the Hits A Million MySpace band page and a simple Youtube video will be made as added promotion.
Interested in participating? Then here are the details:
The deadline to enter is September 19, 2008
For more information, come to hitsamillion.ning.com