Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Music is a business you must work!

Again, I'm continuing to help some of my readers decide whether they are in the right business. My other blogs have helped you decide whether you love music, love the music business, whether music is just a hobby to you, whether you are just a fan of music. All of these are very important questions to discover whether you should stay in the tough business of the music industry or whether you should find another fulfilling job in the music industry that does not entail the business of selling music.

So here's my next question: is music only fun to you and not work?

Dictionary.com defines work, the noun, by the following definitions:

1. exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.
2. something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking: The students finished their work in class.
3. productive or operative activity.
4.employment, as in some form of industry, esp. as a means of earning one's livelihood: to look for work.
5. one's place of employment: Don't phone him at work.
6. materials, things, etc., on which one is working or is to work.
7. the result of exertion, labor, or activity; a deed or performance.
8. a product of exertion, labor, or activity: musical works.

Dictionary.com defines work, the verb, using some of the following definitions:

1. to do work; labor.
2. to be employed, esp. as a means of earning one's livelihood: He hasn't worked for six weeks.
3. to be in operation, as a machine.
4. to act or operate effectively: The pump will not work. The plan works.
5. to attain a specified condition, as by repeated movement: The nails worked loose.
6. to have an effect or influence, as on a person or on the mind or feelings of a person.
7. to move in agitation, as the features under strong emotion.
8. to make way with effort or under stress: The ship works to windward.
9. to use or manage (an apparatus, contrivance, etc.): She can work many business machines.
10. to bring about (any result) by or as by work or effort: to work a change.
11. to manipulate or treat by labor: to work butter.
12. to put into effective operation.
13. to operate (a mine, farm, etc.) for productive purposes: to work a coal mine.
14. to carry on operations in (a district or region).
15. to make, fashion, or execute by work.
16. to achieve or win by work or effort: to work one's passage.
17. to keep (a person, a horse, etc.) at work: She works her employees hard.
18. to influence or persuade, esp. insidiously: to work other people to one's will.

So if you aren't exerting energy, time, labor or activity, if you are not productive, if you are not employing yourself to earn your own livelihood, and you aren't accomplishing anything with your energy, time, labor or activity, then it's safe to say you aren't working your music business! If you, your team, or your music isn't working to persuade or influence people to buy into you, your music, your brand, and your company, then your time, energy and efforts aren't working, i.e. they aren't productive. If you don't regularly go into your place of employment, which in this case, a studio, then you are not working. If you only go to work from time to time, then you are not laboring and therefore aren't really working.

There are no hand outs, no free rides, no get in free passes, no mandatory regulations or laws saying the music business has to include you! The music industry and success in the music business is solely determined by your level of hard work, dedication and determination.

So again decide for yourself: do I really want to be in the music industry?

Thedy B, Attorney/Songwriter

Hits A Million, LLC
