If none of my other suggestions on creative ideas for songs helped you, then perhaps you need more inspiration. While reading this book, The Songwriter's Idea Book
1. To activate your right brain: Become more physically active:
- a. just doodle on the piano/guitar/drum machine or any instrument
- b. doodle on a pad
- c. verbally brainstorm
2. To activate your left brain: Start from a part and work outwards:
- a. in other words, start from a song concept and play around with that concept
- b. start with a title and build the song from there
- c. go from the end of the story line to the beginning or vice versa
- d. choose a motif or chord progression and follow it
3. Brainstorm:
- a. once you get a title, brainstorm for more titles
- b. once you get a song concept, brainstorm for more
- c. just write down any words that come to you and put the pieces together later. In other words write first, edit later!
- a. Once you get an idea, a concept, title, etc., move around, think about it, scribble, or just meditate
- b. Letting it marinate will help you come up with different ways to approach the same subject, title, concept, or idea.
- c. Imagine the words you want to use.
- d. Feel the emotion you want the singer to feel.
- e. Sleep on the idea.
Great ideas!!!!!!! Man, how many songs can you come up with if you don't allow your creativity to stop when you get ONE concept! Try using some of these methods and let me know how it works for you.
Thedy B, Attorney/Songwriter
Hits A Million, LLC