Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Your Network Determines Your Networth!

Networking is so important! At a recent songwriting conference, I learned that success in the music business is 33% talent, 33% hard work, and 33% relationships. Those percentages are true for any field, not just music. In fact, Peter Drucker said, "More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than at any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject."

T. Harv Iker is the best-selling author of The Secrets of The Millionaire Mind. You can google his name but essentially, he was born to immigrant parents. He started working at age thirteen because his parents were poor. He was able to go to college but left after one year to study how to become a millionaire. He started several business, and in two years became a millionaire! I was recently listening to The Millionaire Files CD that I got after attending the Millionaire Mind Intensive and heard T. Harv Iker and one of the millionaires he was interviewing say, your network determines your networth!

Your network determines your networth! He also said that you can predict where you will end up financially by looking at the people you hang around. He said that your income will be within 10% of your closest friends' income. So the old adage, birds of a feather flock together is still true.

Think about it: we have seen a number of celebrities lose what they had because of the people they choose to hang with, the people they choose to marry, the people they choose to learn from, and the people they choose to emulate. So we have to pick and choose who we want to hang with and work with if we want to be successful.

So if your circle of friends and associates aren't bringing you closer to where you want to be, then I suggest you enlarge your circle! Meet people! Meet people! Meet people! Network! Network! Network!

As I said over and over, get out of the studio, start networking more, and attend some upcoming music conferences. If your networking skills need some help, learn how to do it! I suggest reading my blogs on the do's and don'ts of networking at music conferences, the do's and don'ts of networking via email, and purchasing some of the recommended books on networking. But network, love, network because your network determines your networth!

Thedy B,
Hits A Million, LLC